Exchange car
If you have a car today that you want to exchange, contact one of our sellers and we will help you. If you live a short distance away and do not have the opportunity to come to us by car, we will solve it by sending you as detailed pictures as possible and a description, and we will come to you!
Here we set up the loan for up to 84 months with a low interest rate. There are several different set-up options, contact us and we can help you get the best deal for you.
Contact Us
Contact us and we will calculate what the monthly cost would be for you.
As the cars can be anywhere between 40 and 85 years old, we have no guarantees on our cars. However, we are very careful that you as a customer should always feel that you get the help and service that we take for granted. Feel free to read our reviews on reco.se/backman-bil, and feel free to leave a review if you bought or sold your car through us.
We are happy to help you here on site with finding the best alternative just for you.